How to use the Monthly Media Kit

What can you do with our kit of graphics and videos?

What is the Monthly Media Kit?

Our Monthly Media Kit gives you a set of graphics and videos with varying topics based around a monthly theme that GetHealthy determines. GetHealthy practitioners can download the kit, then choose which graphics and/or videos to incorporate into marketing campaigns.

What can I do with it?

There are many possibilities when it comes to using your Kit.

1. Create a promotional campaign

  • See a graphic you like in the kit? Create a campaign around it, and use the graphics we provide to run your own promotion.
  • Create a coupon code

2. Create a nurture campaign

There are four stages to the selling process - awareness, consideration, purchase consideration and purchase. In other words, before your client is ready to purchase from your store, they need more awareness and reason for consideration before they'll purchase from you. Nurture campaigns can help reinforce that awareness and foster consideration.

  • We provide graphics with varying topics, so you can choose to keep in touch with your clients without advertising a sale

3. Supplementary content for one of GetHealthy's group programs

  • We will often provide program graphics that can provide even more content in addition to our existing program graphics
  • This means you get to post more, and keep your practice top of mind

Access Previous Kits



FEBRUARY: Heart Health

MARCH: Cognitive Health & Long Haul COVID

APRIL: Allergies

MAY: Women's Health

JUNE: Men's Health

JULY: Healthy Skin

AUGUST: Back to School

SEPTEMBER: Cancer Awareness

NOVEMBER: Black Friday & Maintain Don't Gain

DECEMBER: Stress & Sleep


If you do have additional questions about the Media Kits, please contact your account manager.