How do I create and install a Facebook/Meta pixel into my store site?

Installing a pixel allows you to track sales via different channels like Facebook and Instagram. We can help you implement this into your store.

  1. Go into Events Manager from your business manager
  2. You may not have a pixel yet, that's okay - go to the green plus sign on the left  Connect data sources
  3. Select "Web" from the options and click next
  4. Give it a name that is specific to your site name
  5. Enter your store site URL and it will ask you to verify the domain - follow these instructions to do so:
  6. Go to Settings and copy your Dataset ID - we will use this to install the pixel so copy that into the form
  7. Go to the Overview tab > Gather website events from browser activity > Setup Meta Pixel > Install code manually
  8. Copy the code and save it to submit to our form after you're done in Facebook. Save it to a word doc or your notes. Click continue to keep going through the process of setting up the pixel.
  9. After you see the end page, you'll now need to enter in the information you copied into our form so you can get it to us. Submit this form to us so we can install the ID and the pixel snippet on your site. Monitor activity for the next 24 hours