How can I see performance for my store?

Access sales and order information from several key places in your admin portal.

One main component of the admin portal for your is the ability to see sales and order reporting. You can view this reporting from several key places in your admin portal:

  • Upon logging in, you will land on an Overview tab which has sales and order information from the current month as well as top spending patients and top selling products for the entire history of your store. 

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  • In addition, you can access more in-depth reporting that allows you to filter down to different day/date ranges by access the Reports tab in the left-hand navigation menu. 

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This reports tab has the ability to customize by day/date range, by practitioner (if you have this enabled), and by location (if you have this enabled). In addition it has a number of other metrics outside of orders and revenue that you can look at including number of patients creating accounts, number of carts being created, and number of carts being abandoned for the time period. This is also where you can see your share of the sales for a particular time period. 

  • The third place that you can view performance information for your store is on the Orders tab of your admin portal which can be accessed using the left hand navigation menu. 

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This orders tab will show you each individual order that is being placed through the your store. In the table view you can see the order number, order date, customer name, order total, order status, discount total, and practice share. You can also click into each individual order to view the full details of the order. 

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You can also filter on the order table view in order to look for specific time periods, order numbers, or customer orders. 

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These three views should give you complete transparency into the performance of your store. 


Want more advanced reporting? Integrate with Google Analytics.

If you would like to know about more advanced analytics coming from your store, like traffic events and sources for instance, try our Google Analytics integration!

Find out more here.