Frequently Asked Questions

Find our most frequently asked questions below.


How do I create a bundle?

Please use the Bundle Submission form here.


How do I create coupon codes?

Please submit a Coupon Code request here.


How do I send a recommendation to a patient?


How do I add or remove products from my store?


How do I check on the status of my patients' orders?

Please access your admin by visiting and going to the Orders tab for status. 


How do I opt in for the Patient Engagement Program (PEP)?

Please opt in to the Patient Engagement Program using the following link.


How do I edit my Marketing Home Page?

Please view our informational video with step by step instructions below.


How do I create a Buy Now link?

Please review our step by step instructions in the video below.


Do you offer affiliate services?

We sure do! GetHealthy has the ability to integrate with over 20 affiliate partners.